HVAC Services – How Much Does A A/C Tech Make

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HVAC Services – How Much Does A A/C Tech Make

The median wage for an HVAC technician or installer in Texas is $54.000 in 2023, and jobs for HVAC technicians in the United States are expected to grow. In addition to the regular hourly wage, most HVAC mechanics and installers work at least 40 hours a week with overtime during peak seasons. This career looks promising, but anyone interested in working as an HVAC technician must be licensed as an HVAC contractor.


Most HVAC candidates are high school graduates and a high school student with a desire to work as an HVAC technician would be well-served by participating in elective industrial arts coursework, as well as mathematics and electronics. After high school, some HVAC technicians obtain their education through an accredited HVAC training program. These programs teach HVAC installation and repair and often include coursework in blueprint reading and electronics. Some of these programs can be found at technical schools, including a number of schools that offer initial training online. Junior colleges and technical schools offer programs that take between six months and two years to finish. More on this webpage
Some states allow prospective HVAC technicians to participate in an apprenticeship program. Depending on the state and the mentor, the program may take three to five years to complete. During this time, apprentices shadow experienced technicians and receive additional classroom training. To find a local apprenticeship program, candidates may wish to check with their state licensing board or their local professional union.

State Licensing Examination
When HVAC students complete their studies, they are ready to sit for the HVAC licensing examination. These examinations can differ greatly depending on the state, but most exams are extremely rigorous. Apprentices should be particularly careful to prepare for the exam, possibly by taking a preparatory course; apprentices may have been working specifically with maintenance and may need a refresher on installation knowledge, for example. The test will often have questions about electrical codes. Further certifications can be obtained for specialties if the state offers them; for example, HVAC technicians who plan to work with refrigerants must obtain the HVACR certification.

EPA Certification
While the EPA certification is not mandatory to work as an HVAC technician, many employers will insist upon hiring only EPA-certified HVAC professionals. EPA certification is not required to work as an HVAC contractor, but it is required to purchase refrigerant products. The EPA Section 608 Certification requires knowledge of core environmental issues related to ozone damage and proper recovery of dangerous refrigerants. Applicants can test to obtain a Type 1 Certification (for use on small appliances only), a Type 2 Certification (for use on high-pressure appliances), a Type 3 Certification (for low-pressure appliances), or a Universal Certification (which permits the technician to work on all types of appliances).

Expert Advice
Because the requirements to become an HVAC technician can differ so widely from state to state, a good place to begin is with informational interviews with local HVAC maintenance and repair firms. The supervisory HVAC technicians will be able to direct a candidate to programs that will help him or her to succeed. For example, if a certain technical school is poorly regarded, a candidate who matriculates from that school could have difficulty finding work in the field after graduation. Local HVAC supervisors may also be able to provide information about apprenticeships. Becoming an HVAC contractor can be time-consuming, and the process may seem daunting at the beginning, but for somebody with a strong mechanical aptitude who enjoys working with his or her hands, it can be the ideal career choice. With the right training and the right mentorship, starting an HVAC career can be an exciting new venture.

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